Posts Tagged ‘luggage’

Countdown to Kauai!

Two days before I depart for Hawaii, and I’m fretting over my pack list. As usual, I’m determined to make due with carry-on luggage.This brings me to my dilemma of the day: should I pack my snorkel gear or not?

Top five reasons to not pack snorkel stuff:

1. Takes up lots of luggage space in carry-on pack.

2. I shivered after stepping into the Pacific last time I was there and that was in April.

3. Surf’s up, which makes for poor snorkeling.

4. Hawaii’s snorkeling will feel like a let down after snorkeling off Roi-Namur and Kwajalein.

5. I’ll feel really stupid lugging around all my snorkel stuff if I don’t use it.

Top 5 Reasons to Take Snorkel Gear:

1. If I don’t take my own snorkel and end up renting, I’ll feel grossed out. (Ugh, like bowling shoes, only worse!)

2. I’ll ruin my contacts if I rent a mask (leakage).

3. I’ll have something to write on postcards to friends and family back home.

4. Surf’s up equals more drama, which equals better narrative for a travel story!

5. I don’t want to feel left out when my hubby plunges into the ocean with his mask and snorkel. Plus, I spent a good hour digging my snorkel gear out of storage, so I better use it now. Right?